I was speaking against the organization and I asked if my lawyer could attend. I showed them no concern and basically or no fear and I guess they thought I was dangerous or something I guess who knows I never asked them.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
LEAK: Circuit Overseer Guidelines (130 pages)
by Fay Dehr inhttps://1drv.ms/b/s!amcrvjcxi6m6gqzsthqdnca1bvxr.
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Brokeback Watchtower
When we speak of gods we are merely projecting our own imagination onto the said deity. Jehovah or the bible's supreme main deity is a projection of man's mental out look at the time using his own human emotions and labeling/projecting his deity with these very human charactoristics as hate, envy, jealousy, love, violence and so forth. Remember this is the bronze age there was a lot they haven't discovered about the world or cosmos yet.
I am tending to think that the mystics are right and every thing is just one thing(nonduality) the sense of being a you is merely brain function of the Default Mode Network which could be for all we know a computer simulation, inside a computer simulation on and on till infinity perhaps.
So any moral qualities we give to any god is just a projection from the mind, so to speak like we could know god's mind is therefore inaccurate and assuming too too much.
I Think Their Is A Move Coming From Higher Ups To Get These Insane Idiot Out Of The Drivers Seat Of Jehovah's Chariot
by Brokeback Watchtower inlook at all the lawsuits, scandals, unsuccessful cover up, contribution shrinkage, stopped building project, and much more.
these guys are steering jehovah's chariot off a cliff if someone don't put the breaks on these delusional clowns.. so what do you think is there something a foot there at chemical dump clean up site warwick?
i bet you a coup is in the offing, because you know not everyone close to the governing body believes their bull shit but are playing along until the time is right to keep the wt ship from sinking like the titanic..
Brokeback Watchtower
Hey I want to thank all who commented, I enjoy all the opinions.
I just have this feeling that the Governing Body might be handed over to the authorities by those that have the information to nail their asses big time to save the corporation from complete financial ruin. I know it's a lot of wishful thinking that don't really hurt anyone who engages in it. And who know could be just intuition that pushes me in that direct of thinking. I'm sure there are a lot of really pissed off old timers that would do it in a second.
I do think it is a worthy topic so enjoy! Like what type of power do these nut cases have in the Corporation and can they be removed from office by vote. What are the bylaws of this not for profit corporation?
LEAK: Circuit Overseer Guidelines (130 pages)
by Fay Dehr inhttps://1drv.ms/b/s!amcrvjcxi6m6gqzsthqdnca1bvxr.
Brokeback Watchtower
Thanks for the leak.
About special committees was very interesting.
I btw was subject to an 5 man Judicial Committee for "speaking against the organization" I kid you not, and then upon appeal I was subject to 3 other elders on the special so a grand total of 8 elders attended that committee 5+3. So I got a chance to witness to them about my utter contempt about the Organization's fraudulent claims. I even had one bro crying when I cornered the special committee the real application of the scripture they used to admonish me with, applied more closely to the Watchtower bible tract & whatever society, and he busted down crying(he was the PO of the congregation I was in). I must of hit a nerve because clearly these guys were nuts they all seemed so in a WT trance, they clearly had closed minds and were warned about how dangerous I was to listen too. The same PO that was crying, he latter had the privilege of announcing my disfellowshipping a couple of months later,, he almost had a fit doing it, he nervously, and angrily yelled it into the mike which seemed to be full of emotion. I went to a meeting about a couple of weeks latter sat the brother giving the opening payer one of the five started get all into asking for Jehovah'ss protection from Satan he was so nervous they latter told me to leave I didn't and they called the cops and had me arrested, I agreed to pay a fine of 30 bucks and to tell the judge about an upcoming dateline and childmolestation cover ups inside the WT organization. Which to me seem like a bargin to give them some bad publicity in the court room.
I Think Their Is A Move Coming From Higher Ups To Get These Insane Idiot Out Of The Drivers Seat Of Jehovah's Chariot
by Brokeback Watchtower inlook at all the lawsuits, scandals, unsuccessful cover up, contribution shrinkage, stopped building project, and much more.
these guys are steering jehovah's chariot off a cliff if someone don't put the breaks on these delusional clowns.. so what do you think is there something a foot there at chemical dump clean up site warwick?
i bet you a coup is in the offing, because you know not everyone close to the governing body believes their bull shit but are playing along until the time is right to keep the wt ship from sinking like the titanic..
Brokeback Watchtower
Can the Governing Body collective get removed from office by a no confidence vote from corporation share holders? And new leadership be a replacement? Or do they have perpetual power over the corporation and can not be voted to hands off the steering wheel of Jehovah's chariot.
It's a business that is incorporated so there must be business meetings that the Governing Body have limited control over. What about the yearly share holder's meetings can they be subject to a no confidence vote and be removed from office because of these scandals?
I Think Their Is A Move Coming From Higher Ups To Get These Insane Idiot Out Of The Drivers Seat Of Jehovah's Chariot
by Brokeback Watchtower inlook at all the lawsuits, scandals, unsuccessful cover up, contribution shrinkage, stopped building project, and much more.
these guys are steering jehovah's chariot off a cliff if someone don't put the breaks on these delusional clowns.. so what do you think is there something a foot there at chemical dump clean up site warwick?
i bet you a coup is in the offing, because you know not everyone close to the governing body believes their bull shit but are playing along until the time is right to keep the wt ship from sinking like the titanic..
Brokeback Watchtower
Kingdom Halls are being sold like hot cakes, lawsuits up the wazoo, and they are not going to budge on the 2 witness rule that covers up pedophilia and not reporting to the law to save a child from more sexual abuse?
What do you think some of these higher ups in the organization are thinking? These clowns and this Governing Body debacle got to go to save the corporation from going belly up.
I'm sure at WT corporate meetings the shit is hitting the fan. I see the GB removed from office as not fit maybe even a removal of golden parachute benefits and dismissal from office and residence to save the corporation from total bankruptcy.
I Think Their Is A Move Coming From Higher Ups To Get These Insane Idiot Out Of The Drivers Seat Of Jehovah's Chariot
by Brokeback Watchtower inlook at all the lawsuits, scandals, unsuccessful cover up, contribution shrinkage, stopped building project, and much more.
these guys are steering jehovah's chariot off a cliff if someone don't put the breaks on these delusional clowns.. so what do you think is there something a foot there at chemical dump clean up site warwick?
i bet you a coup is in the offing, because you know not everyone close to the governing body believes their bull shit but are playing along until the time is right to keep the wt ship from sinking like the titanic..
Brokeback Watchtower
This batch of Governing Body are all new boys and I'm sure that their arrival at Bethel has not been welcomed many who were there before they came, which could mean all ass kissing done for these new boys is very superficial and has spilled over to those who came into the inner circles after their arrival.
Some thing big is going to happen to these clown in faithful and discreet clothing I can feel it call it wishful think or whatever these guys are totally insane and probably everyone close to them at bethel know it. Their loonieness and detachment from reality must be readily appearent . Can you imagine rubbing shoulders with Morris or Lett day in or day out and not noticing they are not in touch with reality?
But maybe they are isolating themselves from everybody and hardly anybody get to see or hear them except for the daily text(morning worship), JW Broadcasts, and accounting videos who really knows? And you know the one isolating himself will go against all practical wisdom according to the bible.
Someone got to kick these sorry ass losers square in the nuts and remove them from ceoship for the good of the corporation. Time will tell but only if they are demoted in some way will any benign restructure occur and they get rid of the entrench two witness rule /malarkey.
How can you tell someone they have bad breath without offending?
by James Mixon ini told someone and they became very angry with me.
we have been friends for many years but lately his breath is eye burning.
he is single so he doesn't have a wife to tell him, dear you need a mint.
How can you tell someone they have bad breath without offending?
by James Mixon ini told someone and they became very angry with me.
we have been friends for many years but lately his breath is eye burning.
he is single so he doesn't have a wife to tell him, dear you need a mint.
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Brokeback Watchtower
It is saying that there does appear to be a real contraction between God’s love and his power to act to stop suffering. But that there are limits to human understanding and that God has infinite wisdom and insight that we cannot ourselves grasp.
I used that reasoning about 15+ years ago. I got no relief until understood that the Bible is all mythology and best not be taken literal. Psychological speaking the Bible is important because it furnishes understanding of the minds inner workings and what we projected on to the unknown. I would suggest read some of Carl G Jung's works on bible themes.